While tea drinking is an ancient tradition, it wasn’t until the early nineteenth century that the now well-known concept of ‘afternoon tea’ became widespread.
The UK’s 7th Duchess of Bedford started taking a pot of tea and some light food to combat what she called “that sinking feeling” in the late afternoon and invited friends to join her. The notion was further popularised by Queen Victoria for whom the duchess was a lady-in-waiting.
Still today, kettles click on in kitchens and offices as the slump hits, while the world’s fanciest hotels uphold the tradition with silver teapots and lavish multi-tiered platefuls of treats.
It may not always involve dainty cakes and sandwiches but there’s no doubt that an afternoon pause for tea is an important reset moment in the day. It’s a meaningful opportunity to connect with friends, family or colleagues or simply to step away from your tasks and calm your mind.
But what time is best?
For that sociable 19th century duchess, it was somewhere around 4.00pm. We think we have narrowed it further. For us, 3.59pm is the perfect moment to have a freshly brewed tea cupped in your hands and heading for your lips as the hour ticks over.
It’s right between the popular lunch and dinner times when our energy and concentration naturally begin to flag. And that’s not only due to food digestion or falling blood sugar. Scientists have shown our body’s circadian rhythm, which makes us sleepy at night, also has a mini dip around this period.
It’s not only taking a break that helps. Keeping hydrated is also an important way to combat fatigue.
By the simple ritual of brewing a cup of tea you’re making a distinct effort to reclaim your afternoon, tackle that natural slump head on and set yourself up for a more productive and uplifting end to your day.
You might choose a traditional afternoon favourite like our organic Earl Grey; calm your mind with a soothing Jasmine Green Tea or introduce some pep into your day with a zingy fruit-filled blend like our popular Super Berries.
The important thing is to ensure you make time. So why not join our 3.59 Tea Club and make a conscious decision to incorporate that daily restorative ritual into your schedule?
We’re sure you’ll find the best part of your day starts at 3.59.