Organic September – Brewing up a sustainable future with every cup

At English Tea Shop, we believe that the choices we make today can shape a better and more sustainable tomorrow. This Organic September, we’re proud to be a partner of the Soil Association, sharing our journey and commitment to why choosing organic isn’t just better for you—it’s better for the planet too.


Our Journey towards Organic Practices

Organic farming has been at the core of what we do right from the start. It is much more than not using synthetic pesticides and chemicals that destroy the environment and the crops; it means working with nature and with our farmers directly. Our small-scale farmers take tremendous pride in being land stewards, ensuring every single leaf that grows is grown in respect for ecosystem well-being.


For us, organic certification is not just a tick box but an unbounded commitment towards sustainable practices and ethical agriculture. Working directly with farmers in Sri Lanka and beyond, in return for fair compensation, equips them with what they need. It is this direct collaboration that has allowed for full transparency down our supply chain, right to our very creation of positive impact on the communities that make every cup you taste possible.


What Does Organic Mean?

Organic refers to how the tea is grown and processed from its raw state into what eventually reaches the consumer. The basic philosophy in organic farming is the deliberate elimination of synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilisers, and genetically modified organisms that disrupt natural processes. Rather than making use of these unnatural chemicals, we intensify our concentration on the use of natural means and methods with a view to enhancing soil fertility, successfully controlling pests, and encouraging overall biodiversity within the farming system. This goes a long way in nurturing environmental sustainability and improving the health status of the soil, as well the overall impact on the ecologies which surround the farms will then tend to be lowered with non-organic farming practises. This approach not only promotes environmental sustainability and improves soil health but also reduces the impact on ecosystems, ensuring that what you’re consuming is both beneficial for you and gentle on the planet.

Why Organic?

Organic farming helps restore and maintain healthy soils, protects biodiversity, and supports animal welfare. It also plays a crucial role in addressing climate change, as organic soils have the capacity to store more carbon, helping to offset greenhouse gas emissions.

By choosing organic, you’re not just making a healthier choice for yourself—you’re contributing to a healthier planet. Here’s why organic matters:


  • Healthier for You: Organic food is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and toxic chemicals.
  • Better for the planet: Meaning the protection of soil health, biodiversity, and animal welfare via organic farming.
  • Fair to farmers: Our ingredients source from communities enjoying genuinely ethical, sustainable livelihoods.


Our Commitment to Transparency

We believe transparency builds trust. That’s why we introduced our blockchain technology on our boxes, so you can trace the journey of your favourite tea from farm to cup. By simply scanning the QR code on the side of your favourite box, you can discover the origin of your tea, the farms where it was grown, and the whole journey behind it. This is just one of the ways we’re using technology to bring you a more sustainable product that is good for you and the planet.

Looking ahead, we’re excited about how technology will help even more consumers make conscious choices. Perhaps one day, full transparency will be standard for everything we consume—not just tea.


Join us in Celebrating Organic September

This Organic September, we invite you to join us on the amazing journey your tea is on long before it reaches your cup and gives you that sip of delight. Every time you make the conscious choice of reaching for organic tea, you are doing so much more than savouring a drink, you are contributing to carving a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly future for the face of our planet and also for the committed communities who grow the product. Together, let’s brew a better world, one cup at a time.